Sunday, February 3, 2008

I bought too many avocados!

I bought too many avocados the other day (singles weren't ripe, so I bought a bag of 5 Haas avocados).

The first one went into a recipe (first-timer) of vegetarian sushi (see First Attempts at Vegetarian Sushi).

Desperate as the others were ripening fast, I stashed them in the fridge and started consulting my collection of recipe books for vegetarian/vegan recipes. I came up with a couple of recipes (Moosewood Cooks at Home, Vegetarian Recipes) for pasta and salads.

Then I spotted this interesting one - Avocado gelato! We bought an ice cream maker some years ago when I was having jaw surgery (and on a restricted diet for weeks), but never did use it, so it's a good time to break it out and experiment.

We'll try to make it with soy milk and I'll report back on how well it works.

This recipe calls for 2 avocados, so I'll have to try one of the other recipes to use up the other 2 remaining ones.